NSF 1815238 -- III: Small: An end-to-end pipeline for interactive visual analysis of big data


This is the webpage for the NSF project “III: Small: An end-to-end pipeline for interactive visual analysis of big data”.


  • PI: Carlos Scheidegger

  • PhD Student: Zhe Wang (now graduated)

  • PhD Student: Mingwei Li (5th year)

  • PhD Student: Zhenge Zhao (5th year)



  • pothos is the code platform for the data cube research in this project.

  • neuralcubes is the code platform for the deep neural networks used to approximate data cubes in NeuralCubes.


This material is based upon work supported or partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 1815238, project titled “III: Small: An end-to-end pipeline for interactive visual analysis of big data”

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this project are those of author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Web page last update: 2020-02-13.